Steve Ellis
Candidate for Maine State House District 38

About Steve


Steve and his partner-in-all-things Victoria love their homestead in the Town of Waldo with its peaceful green environment amidst wonderful neighbors. Steve has deep ancestral roots in Waldo and Belfast. Generations of his family lived here, and his dad drove logs on the Penobscot.

Steve participates in local government and is a member of Waldo’s Cemetery Committee. He has served as a non-partisan elections worker, and assisted the Select Board with various initiatives.

Steve and Victoria are active members of Citizens’ Climate Lobby, a national non-partisan organization committed to “creating the political will for a livable world.” They’ve made numerous visits to the offices of elected officials in Maine and DC, successfully advocating for legislation designed to mitigate climate change on the scale and in the timeframe needed to minimize the harmful effects we’re already feeling in Maine and across the nation.

Steve believes that preserving democracy and mitigating climate change are high priorities for the future of our region. He has training and experience working “both sides of the aisle” to help government enact legislation that works for all Mainers.

He believes in promoting solutions for affordable energy, healthcare, housing and education; and measures to support farmers, fisherman and small business owners so that they can thrive with the challenges they face.

Steve trained as an engineer and considers teaching to be one of his core strengths. He’s been a little league coach, sailing instructor, tutor in high school, teacher of remedial math and computer science in a community college, trusted mentor of staff, and professor of data and research methodology to MD/PhD candidates in a medical school.

People who meet Steve soon learn that he has always loved “messing about in boats.” As a teenager, he learned to sail (and maintain!) an old wooden catboat. He's competed intercollegiately and has enjoyed wonderful adventures on cruises as far north as the Sea of Labrador. More recently Steve has combined his love of boating with community service as a certified trip leader through a free-to-the-public community boathouse.

In their spare time, Steve and Victoria enjoy kayaking the pristine waters of Maine and bicycling the back roads of Waldo County.

On the Issues

Protect Our Environment

Steve believes strongly in mitigating climate change while supporting our farming, forestry, fishing, hunting and tourism industries so people can make a good living here in Waldo County.

Accessible Healthcare

Steve believes that government should assure bodily autonomy as well as privacy and dignity in all personal health decisions. Additionally, we should work toward universal coverage for medical and social services for Maine families.

Protect Democracy

Representative democracy is necessary to hold government accountable and to ensure it functions for the people. Voting rights and government transparency are critically important and must be protected and enhanced.

Supports Small Businesses

Persistent high interest rates squeeze household and business budgets, making it harder to make ends meet. The government can't keep leaning on rural Mainers. We must get creative with initiatives to help farms and small businesses thrive.


Glen "Chip" Curry, Senate District 11

"I have discussed several local and state-wide initiatives with Steve. I would welcome him as a legislative partner representing District 38."

District 39 Representative Jan Dodge

"I met Steve back when his town (Waldo) was in my district. He has a keen sense of how state and local government can work better. I look forward to working with Steve on legislative priorities most important in our neighboring districts."

Endorsed By


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